$Pages,3 $Title,Bleeding $Page1 $Sounds,STL11,STL12,STL13 $SubTitle,Signs To Look For $Text, Determine if blood is flowing from a vein or artery or both: $Text, Arterial bleeding is bright red and spurts from a wound. It is critical because blood is pumped out at a fast rate. $Text, Venous bleeding is darker red and flows steadily. $End1 $Page2 $QT,Bleeding $QT1,0,6966 $QT2,7000,11300 $QT3,11333,15133 $SubTitle,Immediate Treatment $Text,1. As with all serious injuries: Check and maintain an open airway, restore breathing and circulation. $Text,2. Raise the limb above the victim's heart if you don't suspect a broken bone. $Text,3. Apply direct, constant pressure with a clean compress. $End2 $Page3 $QT,Bleeding $QT1,15166,20800 $QT2,20833,25166 $SubTitle,Immediate Treatment $Text,4. If bleeding slows or stops, apply a pressure bandage to secure the compress. $Text,5. If you can't stop the bleeding, call emergency medical help. $End3